Five Senses Plus One: the beginning.

Where did the idea of Five Senses Plus One started?

Cape Town, a cosmopolitan city in Western Cape Province in South Africa, and often referred to as the Mother City. It was in fact in Cape Town, where the idea of the 5ive plus 1 senses emerged, since the choice of exotic attractions and remarkable experiences appealed overwhelmingly to us and our senses. There is no need for complex words to be used when describing these unique experiences.


Cape Town, South Africa

Who are we?

We are citizens of the world with a passion for travelling, eating exquisite food and indulging in unique adventures around the globe . We have learned a great deal from the time spent in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America. For this reason, the different post on our blog will be in different languages such as Portuguese, French and Spanish. We will keep it simple and hopefully we will show you the benefits of learning a foreign language.

Where‘s Wally are the Five Plus One? We were there…

Our message

We would love to take you on a journey, introduce you to great experiences. We will be travelling the world and we will make sure that you are with us every step of the way, in every single indulgence. We will show you the best dining, exquisite destinations, mystery activities and great adventures.

Carpe Diem and Hakuna Matata!

Sushi: one of our favorites! Enjoy!

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